Michigan ACS CAN Volunteers


MI: Volunteer Website Banner


MI: Start Here

New Volunteers
 Welcome to the ACS CAN Team!

Starting the Process

1.) Review our  Welcome Training Video on the roles and responsibilities of ACS CAN ambassadors. You may have viewed this as part of your orientation, but it's here as a refersher! 

2.) Check out our main volunteer page (National) which has your training, the handbook and resources (ex: fundraising) to help you succeed and grow in you role: ACS CAN Volunteer Home Page

3.) Review our short videos on what being a Legislative Ambassador means, brought to you by your fellow volunteers.

4.) Lookup who your lawmakers are:

           Find Your Elected Officials (fightcancer.org)

5.) Review the ACS CAN Legislative Priorities:

6.) Review the ACS CAN Volunteer Role you were selected for (see below)

 7.) Check out our ACS CAN Affinity Groups. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) is committed to ensuring everyone has a fair and just opportunity to prevent find, treat, and survive cancer. We know that cancer impacts everyone, but it doesn’t impact everyone equally, and that is why diversity, equity, and inclusion are vital to ending cancer as we know it, for everyone. ACS CAN is centering the lived experiences and voices of our diverse volunteer leaders through our affinity groups that influence, strengthen, and diversity communications, messaging, partnerships, policy initiatives, and volunteer recruitment, training, and engagement within their communities.

For more information about each affinity group, please visit their webpages, or download the ACS CAN Affinity Group one-pager.

Tools to Support Your New Role

Volunteer Resources

Michigan Team Call Links

Join us on the second Thursday of every month 7pm-8pm on our monthly team call via Teams.

November 14

December 12

MI - vol resource page - Policy Resources

Michigan Resources

Below you will find policy issues that affect the State the Michigan 

Copay Accumulator


Tobacco Prevention & Cessation Fact Sheet



Your Support CAN fight Cancer