Medicaid Stories



Elias's Story

Medicaid Covers US

Medicaid is a vital health insurance program for America’s families. It allows children to reach their fullest potential, adults to get and stay healthy enough to work and be part of their community, and seniors and people with disabilities to get the care that can help them stay at home. Medicaid can be life-changing and lifesaving.

Meet some of the Americans for whom Medicaid has made a huge difference, as well as people who could benefit but are currently unable to gain access to coverage from Medicaid.

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Gail was in remission from her second occurrence of cancer when she lost Medicaid health insurance. For months, Gail was unable to get the medication she needed to keep her cancer at bay, and when her coverage was finally reinstated, her cancer had come back.

Laurin and Nick were able to start their own business in part because they knew that their children would still be able to have health insurance through Medicaid. While they struggle to find affordable health insurance options, they are grateful that their children have the coverage they need.

When Laura was 10 weeks pregnant, she felt a lump in her breast. Because of Medicaid, she was able to have a healthy pregnancy and get the treatment she needed, and she is now cancer free. 

Adrea is a mother, a small business owner and a full-time student. She doesn’t have access to health insurance and she worries about what an illness or injury could mean for her and her family.

Santana works full time but makes too much money for Medicaid and not enough to afford private insurance, which leaves her without access to health care coverage. She worries what would happen if her type II diabetes got out of control.

Dr. Carter is the only physician serving his hometown of 850 residents. Some of his patients do not have access to health insurance and this means they’re not getting the preventive care they need to stay healthy and avoid worsening chronic conditions.

Pam and Rusty live in rural Alabama. They rely on their local hospital, which is 10 minutes away, and don’t know what would happen if they had an accident and their hospital wasn’t there.

As the executive director of the Greene County Industrial Development Authority, Phillis helps attract new and retain existing businesses to the community. But she is worried about what would happen to the town if their hospital were to close.

The Greene County Hospital is in a rural part of Alabama. The hospital is suffering and running a deficit of about $100,000 per month, in part because the state chose to not expand its Medicaid program. Dr. Pugh is the hospital administrator and John is the chair of the hospital board, and they are passionate about helping the hospital stay viable.

Medicaid Covers US

Visit our campaign home page to learn more about who is covered by Medicaid, why Medicaid is so important to our friends, neighbors, and community, and how to get involved.