
2024 Oregon Policy Forum

Thursday, October 10, 2024 - 12:00pm to 1:30pmPST
OHSU Knight Cancer Center
2720 S. Moody Ave.
Portland, OR 97201


About the Event

American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), the advocacy affiliate of the American Cancer Society will host their annual policy forum in person on Oct. 10th, 2024. This year we will focus our conversation on access and insurance coverage of biomarker testing in Oregon.

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) is the nation’s leading advocacy organization working every day to make issues facing cancer patients a national and state priority.

The ACS CAN Oregon Cancer Policy Forum is a premiere event that brings together more than 100 leaders from business, academia, health care, government, life sciences, and cancer research communities to support ACS CAN’s mission.

Translating Action Into Influence. Eliminating cancer relies as much on public policy as it does on medical research. Cancer fighting public policies such as sustained investments in medical research, stronger efforts to reduce tobacco use, improved access to care and better quality of life for patients help ensure our innovation ecosystem stays strong and patients and families receive the care they need.

Partnering for Patients. Support for this event highlights your company’s commitment to saving more lives from cancer. Come network and build relationships with business, medical research, and health care leaders in attendance.

If you are unable to attend please consider donating to support our lifesaving work.


Thank you for the generous support from the following event sponsors:


For sponsorship information or questions contact:

Kari Hampton, Oregon Grassroots Manager

 [email protected]


The health and safety of all our guests and participants is our number one goal. Please see below for important details which will continue to be updated based on our unique needs and review the  COVID-19 Waiver.

If you are feeling sick or have been recently exposed to someone who recently tested positive for COVID-19, you should stay home. People who have underlying health conditions or taking medications that weaken the immune system, should talk to their healthcare provider before attending large gatherings.


The CDC has identified the symptoms of a COVID-19 infection. If you have one or more of these symptoms on the day of the event, please stay home. If you are waiting for COVID-19 test results or have had close contact with a person who has tested positive for or who has COVID-19 symptoms, please stay home unless you get a negative test result before the event.   


The COVID-19 virus and its variants are highly contagious. Some people infected with these viruses get severely ill, become hospitalized or die. Event attendees acknowledge the risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus, assume all such risk, and the American Cancer Society, Inc., and the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network shall not be held liable. 



Help protect our community. it is strongly encouraged that individual attendees are vaccinated. All attendees are asked to have a negative COVID test within 48 hours of travel to the event. The wearing of face masks at the event may be required. After the event, please report to [email protected]  If you later contract COVID-19 and believe you could have received or spread the virus at the event.

Thank you, in advance, for all of the great events you will host in 2024 as you further our legislative agenda in your states. Should you have any questions about this guidance or need to discuss specific circumstances related to your event, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Regional VP.



Contributions or membership payments to the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Inc. are not tax-deductible.