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26 de Abril de 2022

As ballots are mailed out starting Wednesday, April 27, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) urges Washington County voters to protect youth from Big Tobacco by voting “no” on Measure 34-314, which would repeal the county’s ordinance to end the sale of all flavored tobacco products. Last year, Washington County became the first county in Oregon to end the sale of flavored tobacco, and now the tobacco industry is funding the campaign to try and overturn this law.

25 de Abril de 2022

San Diego, Calif. – El Concejo de la Ciudad de San Diego votó el lunes a favor de promulgar una ordenanza que eliminará la venta de la mayoría de los productos de tabaco con sabor, incluidos los cigarrillos electrónicos y los cigarrillos mentolados. La siguiente es una declaración de

25 de Abril de 2022

San Diego, Calif. – El Concejo de la Ciudad de San Diego votó el lunes a favor de promulgar una ordenanza que eliminará la venta de la mayoría de los productos de tabaco con sabor, incluidos los cigarrillos electrónicos y los cigarrillos mentolados. La siguiente es una declaración de

21 de Abril de 2022

The California Senate Health Committee voted to advance a bill that would increase access to biomarker testing, a critical step in accessing precision medicine treatments that can lead to fewer side effects, improved survival, better quality of life and potentially lower costs for cancer patients.

19 de Abril de 2022

Today, the Brunswick Council voted unanimously to end the sale all flavored tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and menthol flavored products. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) applauds Town Council members for prioritizing the health of children and historically marginalized communities over Big Tobacco’s interests and bottom line.

15 de Abril de 2022

Today United States District Judge Paul W. Grimm ruled in American Academy of Pediatrics et al v FDA that beginning on April 29 and every 90 days thereafter, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) must provide regular status reports to the court and the public on the percentage of premarket tobacco product applications (PMTA) the FDA expects to have acted on by June 2022, and beyond.

15 de Abril de 2022

Governor Tony Evers vetoed two bills that would have tightened access to health care coverage for limited-income Wisconsinites. Senate Bill 905/Assembly Bill 934 aimed to require Medicaid enrollees to prove eligibility and re-apply every six months. Senate Bill 912/Assembly Bill 936 would have added new work rules to the program,

14 de Abril de 2022

El Representante John Smithee y el Representante Four Price, ambos recibieron el premio Defensa en Acción a principios de esta semana, uno de los premios más prestigiosos presentados por la Red de Acción Contra el Cáncer de la Sociedad Americana Contra el Cáncer (ACS CAN).

14 de Abril de 2022
North Carolina

RALEIGH, NC – April 14, 2022 – To mark Medicaid Awareness Month, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) is shining a bright light on what increasing eligibility for the state’s Medicaid program would mean for North Carolina families in the fight against cancer. “Cancer isn’t partisan