Asian American & Pacific Islander Volunteer Caucus Press Releases
Advocates with the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) commend the Hawaii State Legislature for the passage of HCR 53 during the 2024 legislative session. The resolution moves Hawaii one step closer to advancing legislation to expand access to the testing needed to connect cancer patients and those battling other diseases to precision treatments through biomarker testing.
In 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released proposed rules to eliminate menthol flavoring in cigarettes and all flavors in cigars. Almost two years later, the public health community is still waiting for the FDA to finalize these lifesaving rules.
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) volunteers from across Hawaii met with their legislators at the Hawaii State Capitol Thursday to urge them to support HB1301. If enacted, the policy would enable funding for a multiethnic cohort study by the University of Hawaii Cancer Center, the only National Cancer Institute-designated cancer center in the Hawaii Pacific region.
Findings Highlight Need for Pennsylvania Legislature to Pass Copay Accumulator Reform Bill to Make It Easier for Pennsylvanians to Pay for Medically Necessary Medications
Albany, NY - Una nueva encuesta "Survivor Views" (Opiniones de sobrevivientes) de la Red de Acción Contra el Cáncer de la Sociedad Americana Contra el Cáncer (ACS CAN) muestra que, si bien los programas de asistencia para copagos pueden ayudar a los pacientes con cáncer a pagar los medicamentos que necesitan, algunos no pueden aplicarlos al deducible de su cobertura de salud ni a otros requisitos de gastos de bolsillo, lo que puede crear una barrera para la atención.
El Concejo de la Ciudad de Los Ángeles votó hoy a favor de eliminar la venta de la mayoría de los productos de tabaco aromatizados, incluidos los cigarrillos electrónicos y los cigarrillos mentolados.