
Emergent Science: Multi-Cancer Early Detection Tests Press Releases

18 de Septiembre de 2023

Hundreds of Cancer Patients, Survivors Travel to D.C. Urging Congress to Make Cancer a National Priority

As Congress works to determine 2024 priorities before the budget deadline at the end of the month, nearly 700 cancer patients, survivors and their loved ones from all 50 states, Washington, D.C., Guam and Puerto Rico, and nearly every congressional district, will be on Capitol Hill this week to make clear to members of Congress that cancer must be a national priority. 

1 de Marzo de 2022

Colorado Cancer Advocates, U.S. Senator Bennet Call on Congress to Enact Policy to Create a Pathway to Coverage for Innovative Multi-Cancer Screenings for Millions

A virtual event held by ACS CAN and U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet highlighted the promise of new blood-based cancer screening technologies that have the potential to dramatically increase early-stage diagnosis for a wide range of cancers and called on Congress to pass the Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Coverage (MCED) Act.

2 de Febrero de 2022

La Casa Blanca destaca a nivel nacional la lucha contra el cáncer al reactivar Misión contra el Cáncer (Cancer Moonshot)

El Presidente anunció esta mañana que está 'reactivando' su compromiso de 'poner fin al cáncer tal como lo conocemos', basándose en la elevada y sólida inversión inicial en la Iniciativa Nacional Misión contra el Cáncer (Cancer Moonshot) enfocada en descubrimiento, priorizando una mayor adopción de la prevención y abordando las inequidades de salud.