Chris Hansen, ACS CAN President

ACS CAN President Lisa Lacasse shares her views on the impact of advocacy on the cancer fight.


Blog posts tagged "white house"

15 de Julio de 2014

The Case for Increasing Access to Medicaid

A recent White House report found that millions of uninsured Americans continue to lack access to health care coverage because a number of state lawmakers and/or governors have chosen not to broaden access to Medicaid.

2 de Abril de 2014

Marching into April

I was humbled yesterday to see that President Obama issued a proclamation naming April 2014 Š—“National Cancer Control Month,Š— making the fight against all cancers a national priority.

24 de Enero de 2012

Cancer Advocates Gather for the State of the Union

Cancer patients and their loved ones from across the nation will gather to watch the address in a live online chat tonight, sending a message to the White House and Congress that funding for medical research and proven prevention programs must be a national priority.

12 de Diciembre de 2011

Health Coverage thatŠ—'s Easy to Understand

Today, when consumers pick a health coverage plan they are given a long document filled with complicated jargon that is virtually impossible for them to understand. An important provision in the Affordable Care Act, known as the Summary of Benefits and Coverage provision, was written to change that.