Chris Hansen, ACS CAN President

ACS CAN President Lisa Lacasse shares her views on the impact of advocacy on the cancer fight.


Blog posts tagged "cancer"

July 10, 2012

One Voice Against Cancer Lobby Day

Nearly 150 cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, physicians and researchers are on Capitol Hill today urging their lawmakers to make the fight against cancer a national priority.

June 26, 2012

Guest Post: The Better End

I thought DanŠ—'s knowledge of advanced directives was pertinent to the broader discussion of palliative care because ultimately, and unfortunately, some cancer patients do not get well. So, I invited him to contribute to this blog. I hope you find his perspective useful.

June 15, 2012

Illinois Governor Signs $1 Cigarette Tax Increase

Illinois celebrated a major victory against Big Tobacco this week! Governor Pat Quinn signed into law yesterday morning a $1 cigarette tax increase, bringing the state cigarette tax to $1.98 a pack. With this increase, 38,600 Illinois lives will be saved, 72,700 Illinoisan kids will not start smoking and the state will raise $348.8 million in new revenue annually.

June 13, 2012

Chicago Passes City Ordinance Banning Minors from Tanning Beds

The momentum continues! In January, California became the first state in the nation to ban youth under18 from using tanning beds. In May, Vermont passed a similar lifesaving law. Just last week, Chicago became the first major U.S. city to vote to protect young people from skin cancer and melanoma by banning tanning bed use among minors.

June 8, 2012

The Fight Continues: An Update on Proposition 29

With all of the precincts reporting in, there are only 40,000 votes separating the yes votes from the no votes. However, estimates show more than 1 million mail-in and provisional ballots were left uncounted on election night. Therefore, ACS CAN and the campaign coalition are not conceding the election outcome, and we and our public health partners are pledging to fight for the health of Californians until every vote is counted.

May 25, 2012

Don't Fry Day

As the days get warmer and the sun gets hotter it's more important than ever to raise awareness about skin cancer and the dangers of tanning. That's why the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention designated the Friday before Memorial Day as "Don't Fry Day."