
All Updates

9 de Marzo de 2023

En nombre de los pacientes con cáncer, los sobrevivientes y sus familias, la Red de Acción Contra el Cáncer de la Sociedad Americana Contra el Cáncer (ACS CAN) se complace en ver el enfoque y la dedicación continua del presidente para lograr el objetivo de la Misión Contra el Cáncer (Cancer Moonshot) - poner fin al cáncer tal como lo conocemos

9 de Marzo de 2023

Advocates lobby against Lamont’s prposed cut to funding to lifesaving tobacco control program.

8 de Marzo de 2023

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) hosted ‘Cancer Action Day’ at the Colorado state capitol Wednesday. ACS CAN volunteers, including cancer survivors, patients, and caregivers met with several lawmakers and urged them to support and pass House Bill 1110, Healthcare Coverage for Biomarkers Testing. The bi-partisan legislation would expand equitable access to biomarker testing statewide.

8 de Marzo de 2023

MONTGOMERY, AL – March 7, 2023 – Tonight, Gov. Ivey addressed a room of fellow elected officials laying out a slew of issues affecting Alabamians and detailing her administration’s commitment to addressing them in the upcoming 2023 legislative session. A lack of affordable, accessible care was notably left out

8 de Marzo de 2023
New Hampshire

Dozens of cancer patients, survivors, healthcare providers and other gathered the State House to urge New Hampshire lawmakers to vote in support eauthorizing the Granite Advantage Health Care Program.

8 de Marzo de 2023
New Hampshire

Dozens of cancer patients, survivors, healthcare providers and other gathered the State House to urge New Hampshire lawmakers to vote in support eauthorizing the Granite Advantage Health Care Program.

8 de Marzo de 2023
Nueva York

The following op-ed, by NYC Councilmember Diana Ayala, was originally published in El Diario on March 8, 2023. Fumemos o no, los cigarrillos mentolados nos dejan a todos con un mal sabor de boca. El mentol hace que los cigarrillos tengan sabor a menta y ofrece una

7 de Marzo de 2023

Mientras los legisladores se reúnen para la sesión legislativa de 2023, la Red de Acción Contra el Cáncer de la Sociedad Americana Contra el Cáncer (ACS CAN) en Florida aboga por que los legisladores estatales trabajen con el partido opositor para aprobar un proyecto de ley que se espera que revolucione el tratamiento del cáncer para los residentes de Florida al ampliar el acceso a las pruebas de biomarcadores.

7 de Marzo de 2023
South Carolina

COLUMBIA, SC –March 7, 2023  – Late last week, Sen. McElveen, Sen. Kimpson, and Sen. Senn signed their names to defer a bill that would take away the power of all localities in the state to pass laws that regulate the sale of tobacco products from the typical legislative process