
Nacional Press Releases

13 de Marzo de 2018

House Prioritizes Patient Safety; Rejects “Right-To-Try” Legislation

The House of Representatives tonight rejected legislation that would have changed the process for accessing experimental drugs without including necessary patient safeguards. The Right-to-Try legislation was opposed by the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) along with more than 85 other organizations representing millions of patients.

12 de Marzo de 2018

Letter: Patient Safety Concerns Remain in House Right to Try Legislation

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network together with more than 75 organizations representing millions of patients sent a letter to leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives, expressing concerns about proposed legislation to change the process for accessing experimental drugs without including necessary patient safeguards.

6 de Marzo de 2018

Proposed Association Health Plan Rule Could Split Insurance Market and Unravel Patient Protections

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) submitted comments to the Department of Labor regarding proposed changes to rules governing association health plans (AHPs). The comments detail several ways the proposed rule could divide the individual insurance market and significantly weaken patient protections leaving cancer patients and survivors with few meaningful or affordable coverage choices.

1 de Marzo de 2018

Bill Would Close Medicare Colorectal Cancer Screening Loophole

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and ACS CAN staff and volunteers will be urging lawmakers to support and pass the “Removing Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening Act” (H.R. 1017 and S. 479) – a bill that would eliminate cost-sharing during a routine screening colonoscopy when a polyp is removed.