
Nacional Press Releases

14 de Diciembre de 2018

National Patient Groups Denounce District Court Ruling Overturning Health Care Law

The ruling by a U.S. District Court judge in Texas that the Affordable Care Act is invalid because Congress eliminated the individual mandate penalty in last year’s tax reform bill.

The ruling, which could eliminate critical protections for people with pre-existing conditions and minimum insurance standards known as essential health benefits, is expected to be appealed.

26 de Noviembre de 2018

Cancer Patients in Medicare Could Face Cost and Care Barriers Under Proposal to Alter ‘Six Protected Classes’

The Department of Health and Human Services announced proposed changes to the Medicare Part C and D regulations today that if finalized could dramatically impact access to affordable medication and quality care for cancer patients on the program. The administration is proposing to alter rules around Medicare Part D’s “Six Protected Classes.” The proposals could have cost, care and safety implications.