Acceso a la atención médica Press Releases
The Department of Health and Human Services announced proposed changes to the Medicare Part C and D regulations today that if finalized could dramatically impact access to affordable medication and quality care for cancer patients on the program. The administration is proposing to alter rules around Medicare Part D’s “Six Protected Classes.” The proposals could have cost, care and safety implications.
SALT LAKE CITY – Nov. 5, 2018 – Nearly 11,000 Utahns will be diagnosed with cancer this year. Cancer remains a critical health problem and almost everyone is at risk for developing cancer, but the burden of cancer is not equal.
A District Court judge is expected to hear oral arguments in Washington, D.C., from groups challenging a rule implementing changes to short-term insurance plans. The hearing will allow plaintiffs to explain the devastating impact patients could face if bare-bones plans are permitted to be sold for up to 36 months.
The administration released guidance today to give states expanded authority to offer less comprehensive plans to individuals who purchase their health insurance coverage through the individual market.
The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) released a publication today to illustrate health disparities across the cancer continuum and discuss public policy strategies to address those disparities. Cancer Disparities: A Chartbook illustrates the scope of cancer disparities that exist in the United States.
On Friday, October 26, ACS CAN will host its annual policy forum in Oregon. This year's event focuses on the pressing issues surrounding the cost of breast cancer across different types of insurance.
Today the U.S. Senate rejected a resolution under the Congressional Review Act that would have prevented the extension and expansion of short-term limited duration health insurance plans (STLD) as allowed under a new rule from the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Treasury.
Nearly 150 people attended the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network’s ninth annual Cancer Research Breakfast at the North Carolina Museum of History. The event provided a forum for leaders to discuss current barriers to therapeutic clinical trials and the efforts needed to overcome them.
Patient groups representing millions of Americans with serious health conditions filed an amicus curiae today in the U.S. District Court case, Association for Community Affiliated Plans v. United States Department of Treasury, explaining the devastating impact patients could face under the final rule implementing changes to short-term, limited duration (STLD) insurance plans.