
Control de tabaco Press Releases

31 de Enero de 2006

Smoke-Free Legislation Approved in Nation 's Capital

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- January 31, 2006 -- Workers and patrons in the nation’s capital may soon breathe easier thanks to Mayor Anthony Williams’ (D) approval of a bill that will make indoor workplaces in the District, including restaurants and bars, smoke-free. The smoke-free bill passed the D.C.

6 de Diciembre de 2005

D.C. Council Vote on Smoke-Free Bill A Step in the Right Direction

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- December 6, 2005 -- The D.C. Council today voted 12-1 in favor of a smokefree law that would protect thousands of District workers and patrons from the dangers of secondhand smoke. A second and final vote on the bill could take place later this month or in early January.

5 de Enero de 2005

D.C. Voters Support Smoke-Free Law By Large Margin

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- January 5, 2005 -- A new poll released today shows that three in four likely D.C. voters favor passage of a citywide law that would make all indoor workplaces in the District, including restaurants and bars, smoke-free.