Patient Quality of Life Press Releases
Washington, D.C.--Today ACS CAN filed comments with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding proposed clinical practice guidelines for prescribing opioids.
El Presidente anunció esta mañana que está 'reactivando' su compromiso de 'poner fin al cáncer tal como lo conocemos', basándose en la elevada y sólida inversión inicial en la Iniciativa Nacional Misión contra el Cáncer (Cancer Moonshot) enfocada en descubrimiento, priorizando una mayor adopción de la prevención y abordando las inequidades de salud.
La Cámara de Representantes de EE. UU. considerará hoy una legislación histórica que ampliaría el acceso a la cobertura de atención médica asequible a millones de personas en EE. UU. mediante una combinación de medidas tales como hacer que los planes de salud del mercado de bajo costo estén disponibles para las personas de ingresos limitados en los estados que aún no han expandido Medicaid, aumentar permanentemente los fondos federales para Medicaid en los territorios de EE. UU. y extender mayores subsidios para que las personas compren cobertura del mercado en todo el país.
On behalf of the millions of patients and caregivers we represent, we applaud House lawmakers for listening to their constituents and taking action to amend the Build Back Better legislation to include the creation of a paid medical and family leave program
As negotiations continue and details emerge regarding budget reconciliation legislation, patient and caregiver groups are gravely concerned that a national paid family and medical leave program has been dropped from the package.
More than 20 patient and health care groups sent a letter to Congressional leadership and the Administration today making clear the need to preserve the nation’s first-ever paid family and medical leave program as part of forthcoming reconciliation legislation.
More than a dozen patient advocacy organizations are commending the House Ways and Means Committee as it begins considering details of legislation to create the country’s first ever national paid family and medical leave program as part of the budget reconciliation package.
COLUMBUS, OHIO – As lawmakers are finishing up their legislative session, they continue to think about 71,850 Ohioans who will hear the words “you have cancer” this year.
LANSING, MI – The unpredictable and dynamic nature of COVID-19 is no match for the steadfast commitment of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) volunteers.
Charleston, W. Va. – As lawmakers were finishing up the legislative session, they continue to think about 12,380 West Virginians who will hear the words “you have cancer” this year, and the over 300 West Virginians currently diagnosed with a bleeding disorder.