
Increasing and Protecting Access to Medicaid Press Releases

22 de Marzo de 2022

Kentucky Legislature Turning its Back on Cancer Patients

FRANKFORT, KY. – The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) opposes House bill 7, which would require a majority of adults enrolled in Medicaid to meet various work requirements as a condition of eligibility for health care coverage and create a more complex and

16 de Marzo de 2022

Kansas Cancer Advocates Rally at Capitol for Increased Access to Needed Care and Cancer Screenings

Cancer patients, survivors and advocates from across the state gathered at the State Capitol on Wednesday to press lawmakers to address several critical issues affecting access to health care for tens of thousands of Kansans, particularly those in need of cancer screening and treatment. The meetings were part of Kansas Cancer Action Day, an annual event organized by the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) to make fighting cancer a legislative prioritity.

1 de Marzo de 2022

Defensores de la lucha contra el cáncer detallan las políticas necesarias para alcanzar el nuevo y ambicioso objetivo de la Iniciativa Nacional Misión contra el Cáncer (Cancer Moonshot)

Antes del discurso del Presidente de los EE. UU. sobre el Estado de la Unión, la Red de Acción Contra el Cáncer de la Sociedad Americana Contra el Cáncer (ACS CAN) ofrece numerosas sugerencias de políticas sobre las formas en que la administración y el Congreso pueden lograr el ambicioso objetivo de la Iniciativa Nacional Misión contra el Cáncer (Cancer Moonshot) del Presidente. 

25 de Febrero de 2022

Despite Momentum, Medicaid Expansion Fails to Clear Budget Hurdles in Wyoming

The Wyoming Senate on Friday failed to adopt an amendment authorizing Gov. Mark Gordon to embark on Medicaid expansion negotiations with the federal government, effectively ending Medicaid expansion efforts for the legislative session. R.J. Ours, the government relations director for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), released the following statement in reaction.