
Increasing and Protecting Access to Medicaid Press Releases

22 de Enero de 2018

CHIP Reauthorization Critical For Children With Cancer On Medicaid

Congress today included funding to reauthorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for six years as part of a short-term extension in the FY18 spending bill. However, lawmakers delayed consideration of renewed funding for Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) until later budget negotiations are completed.

11 de Enero de 2018

Cancer Patients, Recent Survivors Should Be Exempt From Possible Medicaid Work Requirements

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued guidance allowing states to require “able-bodied” adults to work, participate in job training or volunteer in order to receive Medicaid health benefits. As part of the guidance, CMS exempts those who are deemed, “medically frail,” however the guidance does not clearly define who would be considered medically frail. 

8 de Noviembre de 2017

“Yes” Vote on Question 2 Is A Win for All Mainers

AUGUSTA - Yesterday, Maine voters cast their ballots in support of Question 2, which moves to increase access to health care for low-income state residents. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) applauds the passage of this initiative.

22 de Junio de 2017

Patients Would Pay More for Less Coverage Under Senate Health Bill

Washington, D.C., June 22, 2017—Based on a preliminary read of the Senate health bill released today, the proposed legislation appears to significantly weaken the ability of millions of cancer patients, survivors and those at risk for the disease to find and afford adequate, meaningful health car