
Acceso a la cobertura de salud Press Releases

15 de Octubre de 2020

Federal Action Jeopardizes Healthcare Coverage for Patients in Georgia

Eighteen patient and consumer groups issued the following statement regarding the Administration’s announcement of the approval of Georgia’s 1115 waiver and pending approval of the state’s 1332 waiver. Georgia is the only state that has chosen to rely on legally questionable Administration guidance issued in October 2018 that our organizations strongly opposed.

17 de Septiembre de 2020

Leading Cancer Advocacy Organization Urges Montana’s U.S. Senate Candidates to Make Fighting Cancer a National Priority

Cancer patients, survivors and volunteer advocates from across Montana met virtually Thursday with U.S. Senate candidate Gov. Steve Bullock for a nonpartisan discussion on policies and issues that are critical to fighting cancer. The meeting was part of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) Cancer Votes campaign—the nation’s leading voter education program informing the public and candidates about the actions lawmakers should take to make fighting cancer a national priority.