Chris Hansen, ACS CAN President

ACS CAN President Lisa Lacasse shares her views on the impact of advocacy on the cancer fight.


Blog posts tagged "tobacco tax"

25 de Septiembre de 2013

New Report: Raising Smart, Healthy Kids in Every State

Our children face two major challenges in America today: Too many children lack access to high-quality early education that can give them a strong start in life, and too many kids still smoke, which puts them on a path to serious disease and premature death.

8 de Septiembre de 2013

ACS CAN's Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Lobby Day

Today is the start of ACS CAN's signature annual event: our Leadership Summit and Lobby Day. We'll be welcoming more than 600 cancer patients, advocates, survivors, caregivers and their families from all 50 states and nearly every congressional district to Washington, D.C.

15 de Agosto de 2013

How Does Your State Measure Up on Policies to Fight Cancer?

Unfortunately, for most of you the answer to the question above is Š—“not well.Š— According to a new edition of the ACS CAN report How Do You Measure Up? released today, many state legislatures are missing opportunities to enact laws and policies that could not only generate new revenue and long-term health savings, but also save lives.

1 de Julio de 2013

Massachusetts Passes Historic Tobacco Tax Increase

Shortly, Massachusetts will be home to the second highest cigarette tax in the country. This honor comes after the state legislature passed a $1 increase to the stateŠ—'s cigarette tax last week as part of a larger transportation bill. The increase will bring MassachusettsŠ—' tax to $3.51 a pack.

21 de Mayo de 2013

Minnesota Tobacco Tax to More than Double

Minnesota public health advocates celebrated a major victory today as the legislature passed a $1.60 cigarette tax increase. Governor Mark Dayton is expected to sign it in the coming days.

10 de Abril de 2013

President Obama Proposes Tobacco Tax Increase

President Obama released his budget proposal today for the fiscal year beginning in October, and it included something cancer advocates everywhere are excited about a proposed increase in the federal cigarette tax of 94 cents a pack and significant tax increases on other tobacco products.

6 de Diciembre de 2012

States Grossly Underfunding Tobacco Prevention Programs

According to an annual report ACS CAN released today with several other public health organizations, states will spend less than two percent of this settlement money on programs to prevent kids from smoking and help smokers quit. This means the states are spending less than two pennies of every dollar in tobacco revenue to fight tobacco addiction.

2 de Noviembre de 2012

On the Ballot in Missouri

Tuesday marks a significant day for our country as we elect officeholders at all levels of government. Voters in Missouri have another important issue on the ballot that, if passed, could potentially save 22,000 lives a proposal to increase the state's lowest-in-the-country tobacco tax.

15 de Junio de 2012

Illinois Governor Signs $1 Cigarette Tax Increase

Illinois celebrated a major victory against Big Tobacco this week! Governor Pat Quinn signed into law yesterday morning a $1 cigarette tax increase, bringing the state cigarette tax to $1.98 a pack. With this increase, 38,600 Illinois lives will be saved, 72,700 Illinoisan kids will not start smoking and the state will raise $348.8 million in new revenue annually.

8 de Junio de 2012

The Fight Continues: An Update on Proposition 29

With all of the precincts reporting in, there are only 40,000 votes separating the yes votes from the no votes. However, estimates show more than 1 million mail-in and provisional ballots were left uncounted on election night. Therefore, ACS CAN and the campaign coalition are not conceding the election outcome, and we and our public health partners are pledging to fight for the health of Californians until every vote is counted.