Chris Hansen, ACS CAN President

ACS CAN President Lisa Lacasse shares her views on the impact of advocacy on the cancer fight.


Blog posts tagged "Congress"

29 de Octubre de 2015

Guest Post: Giving the Stamp of Approval to Breast Cancer Research

Today, weŠ—'re faced with a wide range of ways to support the fight against breast cancer during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As the month comes to a close, however, we must remember that breast cancer doesnŠ—'t take a break. All of us must continue to work together to battle this deadly disease long after the pink displays disappear.

28 de Septiembre de 2015

Hundreds of ACS CAN Volunteers in DC Urging Congress to Fight Cancer

Today is the start of ACS CAN's signature annual event: our Leadership Summit and Lobby Day. We'll be welcoming more than 750 cancer patients, survivors and their loved ones from all 50 states and nearly every congressional district to Washington, D.C. for three days of training, presentations, media opportunities and, of course, meetings with lawmakers.

13 de Agosto de 2015

Guest Post: My Internship at ACS CAN

This summer, I am working for American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network's (ACS CAN) incredible policy team in Washington, DC. ACS CAN is the nation's leading cancer advocacy organization that is working every day to make cancer issues a national priority.

28 de Abril de 2015

It's Time for the FDA to Regulate All Tobacco Products

Last April, ACS CAN and its public health partners called on the FDA to finalize its regulation within one year. Now that the FDA has missed that deadline, ACS CAN together with 29 public health partners have sent a letter to President Obama asking for swift action to finalize that regulation.