Guest Blog: A Health Care Success Story
I'm pleased to share the following guest blog from ACS CAN volunteer Board member, cancer survivor, and tireless patient advocate Lori Greenstein Bremner.
I'm pleased to share the following guest blog from ACS CAN volunteer Board member, cancer survivor, and tireless patient advocate Lori Greenstein Bremner.
This morning at a White House event, acting Surgeon General Boris Lushniak released the 32nd Surgeon General's report: The Health Consequences of Smoking 50 Years of Progress. The report is an important compilation of the more than 50 years of strong scientific data showing how the tobacco epidemic has caused an enormous avoidable public health tragedy.
8 million. That's the number of lives saved due in large part to tobacco control efforts since the 1964 Surgeon General's Report on Smoking and Health, according to a study released in JAMA this week.
The budget agreement would restore more than $22 billion that was cut through the across-the-board reductions known as the budget sequester. This agreement is an important first step toward seeing Congress return to a constructive process of setting budget priorities.
"Palliative care suffers from an identity problem." That's the first line of an important article published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) today.
Did you know that when the American Cancer Society celebrated the first Great American Smokeout in 1976, 37% of Americans smoked? Fast forward to today, and that rate has been nearly cut in half to about 19%. This decline in smoking is in large part thanks to many our nation's lawmakers who have helped to pass legislation...
I was surprised by a CDC study I saw this week that found that in 2012 nearly 28 percent of U.S. adults had not received recommended colorectal cancer screenings. This is a scary statistic considering colon cancer is an easily preventable disease through the removal of precancerous polyps, which are detectable only through routine screening.
Members of Congress, their staff and others in D.C. today will see a new ad in Capitol Hill newspapers and online with a big, bold headline: Senator Rescues Children.
A new study in the Journal of Adolescent Health caught my attention this morning with some staggering statistics about tobacco use among our nation's youth. The bottom line: far too many children are using flavored tobacco products.
National Mammography Day is an important reminder that early breast and cervical cancer detection saves lives.