
Blog posts matching "Control de tabaco"

10 de Febrero de 2017

Taking on Cancer in Your State Capitol

Throughout the country, in every state, territory and Washington D.C., ACS CAN staff and volunteers have hit the ground running in 2017, working with local lawmakers to pass and implement public health policies proven to have the highest impact in saving lives from cancer.

14 de Julio de 2016

Ruling Extinguishes Latest Industry Effort to Undermine Tobacco Control

Following the latest lawsuit by Phillip Morris International, a World Bank tribunal ruled Uruguay can require graphic warning labels and limit cigarette pack designs. Congress could prevent similar lawsuits by passing the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade and investment agreement which prevents using such agreements to challenge tobacco control measures.

31 de Mayo de 2016

World No Tobacco Day: Reducing the Global Tobacco Burden

To mark World No Tobacco Day, ACS CAN is releasing a new report that starkly illustrates the worldwide tobacco epidemic. The report makes the case for why Congress should approve the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade and investment agreement to save lives and protect kids from tobacco around the world.

13 de Mayo de 2016

Nation Takes Critical Steps Forward in Tobacco Regulation

After years of hard work by ACS CAN staff, volunteers, and tobacco control partners, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) finalized its authority to regulate all tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes, cigars, and hookah. This was a significant and necessary step to protect the public health of the nation.

16 de Febrero de 2016

Taking a Stand at the Statehouse

ACS CANŠ—'s Indiana Day at the Capitol event was one of nearly 50 similar events scheduled to take place in almost every state and the District of Columbia between January and May this year. During 2016 state sessions ACS CAN will be working to convince lawmakers to pass comprehensive smoke-free laws, increase tobacco taxes, improving the quality of life for cancer patients, prohibit the use of tanning devices for minors and guarantee access to health care and lifesaving cancer screenings.

19 de Noviembre de 2015

A Great Day to Quit Tobacco

It's the American Cancer Society's 40th Annual Great American Smokeout an annual opportunity to join others across the country in a dedicated day to make a plan to quit tobacco. This year, the Society is encouraging tobacco users to, Quit like a champion. At ACS CAN, we're honoring the spirit of the day by urging Congress and the Obama administration to support tobacco users in their quitting quest, by championing legislation and policies that are proven to help people stop smoking and prevent a next generation from getting started on the path to addiction.